December 26, 2024, Thursday, 360


De Cadedif


Publicaciones en revistas internacionales

Año 2002

  1. J. M. Arrieta, N. Consul, A. Rodríguez-Bernal “Pattern Formation

from boundary reaction” Fields Inst. Commun., 31, pp. 13-18, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, (2002).

  1. X. Biao Lin, I. Bosch “Heteroclinic and periodic cycles in a

perturbed convection model” Journal of Differential Equations 182 pp. 219-265 (2002)

  1. R. Ferreira, P. Groisman y J. D. Rossi, “Numerical Blow-up for a

nonlinear problem with a nonlinear boundary condition” Math. Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 12, 461--483, 2002

  1. R. Ferreira, V. A. Galaktionov y J. L. Vázquez, “Uniqueness of

Asymptotic Profiles for and extinction Problem” Nonlinear Analysis T. M. A., 50, 495--507, 2002

  1. R. Ferreira, F. Quiros y J. D. Rossi “The balance between nonlinear

inwards and outwards boundary-flux for nonlinear heat equations” Journal of Differential Equation, 184, 259--282, 2002

  1. A. Jiménez-Casas and A. Rodríguez-Bernal. Asymptotic behaviour for a

phase field model in higher order Sobolev spaces. Rev. Mat. Complut., 15(1):213-248, 2002.

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal. Some qualitative dynamics of nonlinear boundary

conditions. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 12(11):2333-2342. Spatio-temporal comp lexity. (2002)

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal. Attractors for parabolic equations with

nonlinear boundary conditions, critical exponents, and singular initial data. J. Differential Equations, 181(1):165-196, 2002.

  1. R. Dager, E. Zuazua “Spectral boundary controllability of networks

of strings”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie I, 334 (7), 545-550, (2002)

Año 2003

  1. J. Fernández Bonder, R. Ferreira y J. D. Rossi, “Uniform bounds for

the best Sobolev trace constant” Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 3, 181--192, 2003

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo, F. Quiros y J. D. Rossi, “The blow-up

profile for a fast diffusion equation with a nonlinear boundary condition” Rocky Mountain J. Math, 33, 123--146, 2003

  1. R. Ferreira y J. L. Vázquez “Study of self-similarity for the fast

difusión equation” Advances in Differential Equations, 8, 1125--1152, 2003

  1. R. Ferreira, P. Groisman y J. D. Rossi , “An adaptive numerical

scheme for a parabolic problem with blow-up” IMA Journal of Numerical Análisis, 23, 439--463, 2003

  1. M. Negreanu, E. Zuazua, “Uniform boundary controllabillity of a

discrete 1-D wave equation” , System and Control Letters, 48, Issues 3-4 pp 261-279 (2003)

  1. M. Negreanu, E. Zuazua, “A 2-d grid algorithm for the 1-d wave

equation” Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Waves 2003, Physcis and Astronomy, pp. 213-217, Springer (2003)

  1. R. Rodríguez del Río, E. Zuazua, “Series de Fourier y fenómeno de

Gibbs”, Cubo Matemática Eduacional, 5 pp. 185-224 (2003)

Año 2004

  1. J.M. Arrieta "El Cálculo y la Modelización Matemática", en R.

Rodríguez, E. Zuazua, De la Aritmética al Análisis: Historia y Desarrollo reciente en Matemáticas, Aulas de Verano, Instituto Superior de Formación del Profesorado, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,pp 11-57 (2004)

  1. J. M. Arrieta, A.N. Carvalho "Spectral Convergence and Nonlinear

Dynamics for Reaction-Diffusion Equations under Perturbations of the Domain" Journal of Diff. Equations 199, pp. 143-178 (2004)

  1. J. M. Arrieta, J.W. Cholewa, T. Dlotko and A. Rodríguez-Bernal,

"Asymptotic Behavior and Attractors for Reaction Diffusion Equations in Unbounded Domains" Nonlinear Analysis, 56, pp. 515-554 (2004)

  1. J. M. Arrieta, N. Consul, A. Rodríguez-Bernal, "Stable boundary

layers in a diffusion problem with nonlinear reaction at the boundary" Z.. Angew. Math. Phys. 55, pp. 1-14 (2004)

  1. J. M. Arrieta, J.W. Cholewa, T. Dlotko and A. Rodríguez-Bernal,

"Linear parabolic equations in locally uniform spaces" Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 14, n. 2, 253-294 (2004)

  1. J. M. Arrieta, A. Rodríguez-Bernal and P. Souplet, "Boundedness of

Global Solutions for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations involving Gradient Blow-up Phenomena" Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze. Issue 1, Volume 3/2004, Series 5, pp 1-15, (2004)

  1. J. M. Arrieta, A. Rodríguez-Bernal "Localization on the boundary of

blow-up for reaction-diffusion equations with nonlinear boundary conditions" Communications in Partial Differential Equations 29, 7&8, pp. 1127-1148 (2004)

  1. J.M. Arrieta, A. Rodríguez-Bernal "Non well posedness of parabolic

equations with supercritical nonlinearities" Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 6, n 5, pp. 733-764 (2004)

  1. E. Chasseigne y R.Ferreira, “Monotone approximations of Green

functions” Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, 339, 395--400, 2004

  1. R. Ferreira, P. Groisman y J. D. Rossi., “Numerical blow-up for the

porous medium equation with a source” Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Eq, 20, 552--575, 2004

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo, F. Quiros y J. D. Rossi, “Superfast

quenching” Journal Differential Equations, 199, 189--209, 2004

  1. M. Negreanu, E. Zuazua “Discrete Ingham inequalities and

applications”, CRAS Paris, Serie I. Math 338 pp 281-286 (2004)

  1. L. Popescu and A. Rodríguez-Bernal. On a singularly perturbed wave

equation with dynamic boundary conditions. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 134(2):389-413, 2004.

  1. R. Dager, “Networks of strings: modelization and control of

vibrations”, e-STA, vol 1, (2004)

  1. R. Dager, “Observation and control of vibrations in tree-shaped

networks of strings” SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 43, 590-623, (2004)

Año 2005

  1. J.M. Arrieta, A. Rodríguez-Bernal. "Ill posed problems with

supercritical nonlinearities. International Conference on Differential Equations (EQUADIFF'03) Hasselt, Belgium. World Scientific, pp 277 280, (2005) ,

  1. J.M. Arrieta, A. Jiménez-Casas, A. Rodríguez-Bernal "Nonhomogenous

flux condition as limit of localized reactions. International Conference on Differential Equations (EQUADIFF'03) Hasselt, Belgium. World Scientific, pp 293-295, (2005),

  1. J.M. Arrieta, S. M. Bruschi "Problemas de valor de fronteira em

domínios com oscilaçōes na fronteira", Seminario Brasileiro de Análise, Edición nº 62, Noviembre (2005),

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo, F. Quiros y J. L. Vázquez, “Blow-up. El

problema matemático de explosión para ecuaciones y sistemas de reacción difusión” Boletín de la Soc. Española de Matemática Aplicada, 32, 75-111, 2005

  1. P. Quittner and A. Rodríguez-Bernal. Complete and energy blow-up in

parabolic problems with nonlinear boundary conditions. Nonlinear Anal. TMA, 62(5):863-875, (2005).

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal and A. Vidal-López. Extremal equilibria and

asymptotic behavior of parabolic nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations. In Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of H. Amann., volume 64 of Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., pages 509-516. Birkhäuser, Basel, (2005).

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal. Parabolic equations in locally uniform spaces.

In Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems, volume 64 of Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., pages 421-432. Birkhäuser, Basel, (2005).

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal and R. Willie. Singular large diffusivity and

spatial homogenization in a non homogeneous linear parabolic problem. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 5(2):385-410, (2005).

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo y M. Pérez-Llanos, “Numerical blow-up for

the p-laplacian equation with a source”, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 5, 137-154, (2005)

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo, F. Quiros y J. D. Rossi, “On the quenching

set for a fast diffusion equation.Regional quenching”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A, 135, 585—601, (2005)

  1. A. Jiménez-Casas, “Metastable solutions for the thin-interface limit

of a phase-field model” Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issues 5-7, 963-970, (2005)

  1. A. Jiménez-Casas, “Well posedness and asymptotic behavior of a

closed loop thermosyphon”, World Scientific Publications pp: 59-74, (2005)

Año 2006

  1. R. Dager, E. Zuazua, “Wave propagation, observation and control of

1-D flexible multi-structures”, Mathematiques et Applications 50, Springer-Berlag Berlin (2006), x+221 pp. ISBN: 978-3-540-27239-9; 3-540-27239-9 [LIBRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN]

  1. I. Bosch, A. M. Minzoni, “Chaotic behavior in a singularly perturbed

system” Nonlinearity 19, 1535-1551 (2006)

  1. M. Negreanu, E. Zuazua “Discrete Ingham inequalities and

applications”, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Volume 44, Issue I (2006) pp 412-4448

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal and A. Vidal, “Asymptotic behavior of positive

solutions of nonautonomous reaction-diffusion equations”, Bol. Soc. Esp. Mat. Apl. 34, 99-104 (2006)

  1. J. C. Robinson, A. Vidal–López, “Minimal periods of semilinear

evolution equations with Lipschitz nonlinearity”. Jounal of Differential Equations, Vol. 220 (2), 396–406 (2006).

  1. J.M. Arrieta, S. M. Bruschi "Boundary Oscillations and Nonlinear

Boundary Conditions", Comptes Rendus Mathematique, t. 343, Series I, pp. 99-104 (2006)

  1. J.M. Arrieta, A. Rodríguez-Bernal, J. Valero "Dynamics of a

reaction-diffusion equation with a discontinuous nonlinearity", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 16, n. 10, pp. 2965-2984 (2006)

  1. J.M. Arrieta A.N. Carvalho and G. Lozada-Cruz "Dynamics in dumbbell

domains I. Continuity of the set of equilibria" Journal of Differential Equations 231, Issue 2, pp. 551-597, (2006),

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo y J. L. Vázquez, “Classification of blow-up

with nonlinear diffusion and localized reaction”, Journal Differential Equations 231, 195—211, (2006)

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo, G. Reyes y A. Sánchez, “The interfaces of

an inhomogeneous porous médium equation with convection” Communications in Partial Differential Equations , 31, 497—514, (2006)

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo y J. D. Rossi, “Blow-up for a degenerate

diffusion problem not in divergence form”, Indiana University Mathematics Journal , 55, 955—974, (2006)

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo, F. Quiros y J. D. Rossi, “Non-simultaneous

quenching in a system of heat equations coupled at the boundary” Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik , 57, 586—594, (2006).

  1. R. Pardo, V. M. Pérez-García, “Dissipative solutions that cannot be

trapped”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, (2006).

  1. R. Dager, A. Presa, “Duality of the space of germs of harmonic

vector fields on a compact”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie I, 343 (1), 19-22, (2006)

  1. R. Dager, “Insensitizing controls for the 1-D wave equation”, SIAM

Journal on Control and Optimization 45, 1758-1768, (2006)

Año 2007

  1. J.M. Arrieta, R. Pardo, A. Rodríguez-Bernal "Bifurcation and

stability of equilibria with asymptotically linear boundary conditions at infinity", Proc. of the Royal Society of Edinburgh A, Vol.137, Issue 02, 225-252. (2007),

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal, R. Willie, “Nesting inertial manifolds of

reaction-diffusion equations and large diffusivity. Nonlinear Analisis 67, 70-93 (2007)

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal, A. Vidal, “Existence, uniqueness and

attractivity properties of positive complete trajectories for non-autonomous reaction-diffusion problems”, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Systems 18, 537--567, (2007)

  1. J.A. Langa, J.C. Robinson, A.Rodríguez-Bernal, A. Suárez, A. Vidal,

“Existence and non-existence of unbounded forward attractor for a class of nonautonomous reaction diffusion equations”. Disc. Cont. Dyn. Systems 18, 483—497, (2007)

  1. J.M. Arrieta, S.M. Bruschi “Rapidly varying boundaries in equations

with nonlinear boundary conditions. The case of a Lipschitz deformation”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 17, nº 10 (2007)

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo y J. D. Rossi, “Blow-up with logarithmic

nonlinearities”, Journal Differential Equations 240, Issue 1, Pages 196-215 (2007)

  1. J.C. Robinson, A. Rodríguez-Bernal, A. Vidal-López, “Pullback

attractors and extremal complete trajectories for non-autonomous reaction-diffusion problems”, Journal of Differential Equations 238, 289-337 (2007)

  1. U. Brauer, L. Karp, “Local existence of classical solutions of the

Einstein-Euler system using weighted Sobolev spaces of fractional order”, Comptes Rendus Mathematique 345, pp 49-54 (2007)

  1. J. A. Langa, J. C. Robinson, A. Suárez, A. Vidal-López, “The

stability of attractors for non-autonomous perturbation of gradient-like systems”, Journal of Differential Equations 234, 605-627 (2007).

  1. J. M. Arrieta and A. Rodríguez-Bernal, “Blow up versus global

boundedness of solutions of reaction diffusion equations with nonlinear boundary conditions”, Proceedings of Equadiff 11, Editors: M.Fila, A.Handlovicova, K.Mikula, M.Medved, P.Quittner and D.Sevcovic (2007). pp 1-7

  1. J. M. Arrieta, A. Jimenéz-Casas and A. Rodríguez-Bernal, “Robin type

conditions arising from concentrated potentials”, Proceedings of Equadiff 11, Editors: M.Fila, A.Handlovicova, K.Mikula, M.Medved, P.Quittner and D.Sevcovic (2007). pp 157-164

  1. A. de Pablo, M. Pérez-Llanos and R. Ferreira, “Numerical

blow-up for the p-Laplacian equation with a nonlinear source” Proceedings of Equadiff 11, Editors: M.Fila, A.Handlovicova, K.Mikula, M.Medved, P.Quittner and D.Sevcovic (2007). pp 363-367

  1. J. M. Arrieta, N. Moya, A. Rodríguez-Bernal, “Dissipative

dynamics of reaction diffusion equations in R^N” Proceedings of Equadiff 11, Editors: M.Fila, A.Handlovicova, K.Mikula, M.Medved, P.Quittner and D.Sevcovic (2007), pp 405-414.

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal and A. Vidal-López, “Extremal equilibria

for parabolic non-linear reaction-diffusion equations”, Proceedings of Equadiff 11, Editors: M.Fila, A.Handlovicova, K.Mikula, M.Medved, P.Quittner and D.Sevcovic (2007). pp 531-539

  1. J.M. Arrieta, J.W. Cholewa, T. Dlotko and A. Rodríguez-Bernal,

"Dissipative parabolic equations in locally uniform spaces", Mathematische Nachrichten 280, Issue 15 (2007)

  1. Bogoya, Mauricio; Ferreira, Raul; Rossi, Julio D. Neumann boundary

conditions for a nonlocal nonlinear diffusion operator. Continuous and discrete models. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), no. 12, 3837--3846

Año 2008

  1. J.M. Arrieta:" On boundedness of solutions of reaction-diffusion

equations with nonlinear boundary conditions" Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 136, Issue 1, pp. 151-160 (2008)

  1. J.M. Arrieta, N. Moya, A. Rodríguez-Bernal: "On the finite dimension

of attractors of parabolic problems in RN with general potentials", Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods and Applications 68, Issue 5, pp. 1082-1099 (2008)

  1. J.M. Arrieta, A. Jimenez-Casas, A. Rodriguez-Bernal "Flux terms and

Robin boundary conditions as limit of reactions and potentials concentrating in the boundary" Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 24 nº 1, pp. 183- 211 (2008)

  1. A. Jiménez Casas, "Invariant regions and global existence for a

phase field model", Discrete and Cont. Dynam. Systems. 1, nº 2 273-281 (2008)

  1. M. Bogoya, R. Ferreira, J.D. Rossi, "A nonlocal nonlinear diffusion

equation with blowing up boundary conditions", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 337, nº 2, 1284-1294 (2008)

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal, A. Vidal-López, "Semiestable extremal ground

states for nonlinear evolution equations in unbounded domains", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 338, nº 1, 675-694 (2008)

  1. J.M. Arrieta, A. Rodríguez-Bernal, J. Rossi, "The best Sobolev trace

constant as limit of the usual Sobolev constant for small strips near the boundary", Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 138A 223-237 (2008),

  1. Ferreira, Raúl; de Pablo, Arturo; Pérez-Llanos, Mayte; Rossi, Julio

D. Incomplete quenching in a system of heat equations coupled at the boundary. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 346 (2008), no. 1, 145--154.

  1. A. Rodríguez-Bernal, A. Vidal-López, Extremal equilibria for

nonlinear parabolic equations in bounded domains and applications”. Journal of Differential Equations 244, 2983-3030 (2008).

Año 2009

  1. J.M. Arrieta, R. Pardo, A. Rodríguez-Bernal, "Equilibria and global

dynamics of a problem with bifurcation from infinity", Journal of Differential Equations 246, pp. 2055-2080 (2009).

  1. R. Pardo, Víctor M. Pérez-García, ``Localization phenomena in

Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with spatially inhomogeneous nonlinearities: Theory and applications to Bose-Einstein condensates. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol. 238, (2009) 1352–136.

Publicaciones aceptadas

  1. A.Jiménez Casas, M. Castro Ponce, “Slow motion for a phase field

model” Mathematical Methods in the Applied Science.

  1. J.A. Langa, J.C. Robinson, A. Rodríguez-Bernal, A. Suárez,

"Permanence and asymptotically stable complete trajectories for non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra models with diffusion". SIAM J. Math.Anal.

  1. Ferreira, R. "Numerical quenching for the semilinear heat equation

with a singular absorption". Journal of Computational Applied Mathematics

  1. J. Cholewa, A. Rodríguez-Bernal, "Extremal equilibria for

dissipative parabolic equations in locally uniform spaces". Mathematical Models and Methods in the Applied Sciences.

  1. R. Ferreira, M. Peréz-Llanos ``Numerical quenching of a system of

equations coupled at the boundary". Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

  1. R. Ferreira, A. de Pablo, M. Peréz-Llanos, J. D. Rossi, ``Critical

exponents for a semilinear parabolic equation with variable reaction". Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik

Libros de investigación

  1. R. Dager, E. Zuazua, "Wave propagation, observation and control of

1-D flexible multi-structures", Mathematiques et Applications 50, Springer-Berlag Berlin (2006), x+221 pp. ISBN: 978-3-540-27239-9; 3-540-27239-9

Libros docentes

  1. S. Rodríguez Salazar, “Matemáticas para estudiantes de químicas”,

Editorial Síntesis. 2007

  1. R. Rodríguez, E. Zuazua, “De la aritmética al análisis. Historia y

desarrollo reciente en matemáticas” Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. (ISBN: 84-369-3845-3).